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Jul 292016

Originally shared by +Kristian Köhntopp

»Motorola says it is "more efficient" to bundle security updates into fewer releases.« And by that they probably mean that they will bundle and ship the security updates once a year in an update for money that will also include a free cellphone.

Motorola confirms that it will not commit to monthly security patches
Motorola says it is „more efficient“ to bundle security updates into fewer releases.

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  2 Antworten zu “Untitled”

  1. War ja u.a. ein Grund ein Moto-XYZ zu kaufen. :-/

  2. +Boris Lewandowski x-actly. dies und das nackte android, welches aufgrund der wenigen modifikationen "einfache und schnelle herstellerupdates" ermöglichen sollte. whatever. in 2 monaten kommen die nexus devices. da schlage ich zu. einfach alternativlos.


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