Dez. 222011

zum genutzten algorithmus ist übrigens bisher noch nichts bekannt.

Reshared post from +Colby Brown


When the new Noise Control feature for your circles gets turned on for your account, do note that by default, all of your circles are NOT set to show you all of the content. They are all set to the second highest setting "Show most things from this circle" rather then EVERYTHING.

It is a simple adjustment, but just know that what the default setting is.

All you have to do is move the slider all the way to the right to see everything from a circle. The slider is located on the Circle filter page (click on a circle from the left sidebar of your G+ home page). If you do not see a slider at the top of your screen, you do NOT have the feature yet.

Thank you to +Carter Gibson and +Steve Braun for pointing this out….

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