Okt 022013
I'm excited to let you in on something new we're building at Google to make it easier than ever for people to get real, interactive help whenever they need it and wherever they are.

Helpouts is a new way to connect people who need help with people who can give help — teachers, counselors, doctors, home repair experts, personal trainers, hobby enthusiasts and more — over live video. Because you expressed interest in Helpouts and we think you have the expertise to help others, we want you to be among the first to participate when we go live.

By joining Helpouts, you'll be able to earn extra money sharing your skills and knowledge with the world on a schedule that's convenient for you.

Please use your unique, non-transferable invitation code XXXXXX to get early access to helpouts.google.com…

na toll: dieses meldung erhält man nach eingabe des codes…

  3 Antworten zu “Hi, I'm a Helpouts Specialist at Google”

  1. na DU bist ja wahrscheinlich teilschuld, +Frank Möller, weil die dortigen Einnahmen bestimmt nicht mit meiner gesetzlichen Rente verrechnet werden können bin ich geblockt 😛

  2. Verrechnet wird mit ner Rente nix…solange DU brav beitragspflichtige Einnahmen erzielst,ist doch alles schick ;-D


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