Okt. 302007

Und ich dachte immer ich wäre der einzige der Probleme damit hat längeren Vorträgen zu folgen. In [url=http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2639/debate_health_problems_related_geek_lifestyle]diesem Artikel[/url] eines Doktors für Innere Medizin ist aber von mehreren Fällen mit ähnlichen Problemen die Rede.

I believe that „poor attention span“ has unique aspects in the geek population because I believe many people become geeks because computers have always been one of the things that keep them stimulated. In fact, if I question someone about their attention span, they never, even have problems staying focused on their computer work. If someone is in the middle of some exciting programming, the focus is always there. Therefore, it is not just a generic „attention“ problem.
The typical geek trains their brain to be heavily focused while multitasking day after day. Is it surprising that this same brain does not do well when forced to isolate down to one task? Listening in a meeting is a very isolated, very passive event. Coding, developing, debugging — these are not passive at all. The geek brain is just not trained to sit quietly and listen.


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