Reshared post from +Chainfire
SuperSU v1.43 released
This is mostly a bugfix release for Android 4.3.
The CPU spike thing should be resolved. At least, the cases I was able to reproduce have been fixed, which does not mean there may not still be different cases out there that can cause this behavior. If you run into it, please let me know. The origin of the spike is root-using apps closing the su session in new and unexpected ways (some devs are really inventive with this).
The su binary for the moment also symlinks /storage/emulated/<uid> to /data/media/<uid> . This might fix some issues with some apps. However, the authors of said apps should still put the time in and fix this properly. This is a temporary(!) band-aid solution. I will post some more about this problem and mounts in general in a separate post aimed more at techs and devs.
I do recommend an upgrade to this version if you are currently on 1.41, as no root app dev will want to deal with the quirks of 1.41 in daemon-mode for the long term.
Also, please note this release actually breaks Triangle Away (update ASAP), and may break some other things that might use to do magic. That sucks, but until we come up with a better way of installing this, that's how it's going to be. If you're building a custom ROM, you should replace the method of launching the daemon with a proper init service.
The TWRP flashable ZIP is here:
If you're using a recovery that asks you if it should disable flashing the stock recovery, answer no.
EDIT#1: CF-Auto-Root's for Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 have been updated with SuperSU v1.43 for Android 4.3 –
EDIT#2: SuperSU has been updated on the Play Store (will take a few hours to propagate), but if you're going from 4.2 to 4.3, you still need to re-root "manually" by using the ZIP file or CF-Auto-Root. Just updating the app is not enough to make 4.3 work.
Thanks, hurrahs, declarations of love (or hate), etc can go here. For meaningful discussion, go to the thread on XDA developers:
I will not comment in-depth on G+ !
– Daemon: code/security mini-audit by +Joshua J. Drake
– Daemon: cwd is now respected
– Daemon: auto-daemon feature
– Deamon: fixed cpu spike issue
– Daemon: symlinks sdcard (temporary)
– TWRP-based update: fixed script error
– GUI: Added 4.3 update notice
– GUI: Removed full content logging global warning
– Updated language files
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SuperSU Download
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