Sep. 152014

Full Detail:
(ignoring connection issue with v1.1.4)

-uninstalled old plugin
-installed new plugin, v 1.1.5
-successfully connected to g+ profile (first time!)
-plugin automatically creates 10 new posts (duplicates)
-setting the plugin to a post history depth of 30 posts (=old value)
-plugin creates 20 new posts, updates 10
-setting the plugin to "import trashed posts" = checked
-I am deleting the last 60 posts (30x content from old plugin & 30x duplicates from new plugin)
-from now on, scheduled import stopped working
-manual import ("run now") throws out 2 PHP error messages:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in […]/wp-content/plugins/sm2wp-googleplus/classes/google_plus.php on line 463
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at […]/wp-content/plugins/sm2wp-googleplus/classes/google_plus.php:463) in […]/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1173
–> Created 0 posts, Updated 0 posts and Ignored 0 posts
-doing a complete reinstall of 1.1.5 -> still the same issue

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  9 Antworten zu “TL;DR: scheduled import stopped working, manual import throws 2 PHP error messages”

  1. +Marco Hinniger, I have an idea of what could be causing this. I'm investing it now and should have an update pushed within the next couple of hours.

    The duplicates is something that I mentioned in the email and will not be an ongoing issue, it's simply an overlap between the old and new plugin. Now that you've cleared them out it will all be fine.

    Thanks for the detailed feedback, I'll let you know when I push the update.

  2. +Marco Hinniger, I've pushed an update now that I am hoping will help you. Let me know how you go.


  3. +Daniel Treadwell installed 1.1.6 (double checked in the plugin list) but the error is still the same:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in […]/wp-content/plugins/sm2wp-googleplus/classes/google_plus.php on line 473

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at […]/wp-content/plugins/sm2wp-googleplus/classes/google_plus.php:473) in […]/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1173

    Screenshot of my settings, if this helps:

  4. +Marco Hinniger, can you click the little arrow on the right side of the Import log and copy the debug log and send it to please.

  5. +Marco Hinniger, thanks for that, I think that was all I needed to see.

    I've emailed you a custom update (it was a .zip, let me know if that is a problem). Hopefully that should sort you out. Please let me know and I will ensure to include it in the next release.

  6. Thanks for the custom update, this fixed my problem. It looks like the page token was empty, right?

    I am running the 1.1.6 "custom" now, I guess I will still get the standard WordPress update nag once you publish 1.1.7 into the official WP Plugin Repository?

    FYI for security reasons I just reset my G+ access token, no offense.

  7. +Marco Hinniger, the main issue with all of these little problems was that your setup did not allow for PHP to give me the HTTP status codes for each request, so I was instead just relying on whether or not there was any kind of response. Without a response the plugin would then attempt to refresh your access token and then make another call. The problem here was that the expired access token response did contain text so the plugin assumed the call to be successful (my bad). I now check for an error key within the response.

    No problem at all, it's always better to be safe than sorry. I'm happy to hear you're up and running now. Thanks for your patience and guidance.

    And yes, your updates will continue to go through.

  8. +Daniel Treadwell unfortunately Updates don't work. I have still installed v1.1.6, manually via Zip File. The WordPress Plugin Page says the newest version is 1.2.0:

    I do not recieve any update notification within the WordPress Backend.


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