Okt. 082012

Problems with vSphere Client Plugins Service Status and Hardware Status
Since the last upgrade to vSphere 5.1.0 we had some major issues with the vSphere Plugins vCenter Service Status and vCenter Hardware status. They just refused to load up in the vSphere Client, telling me that the connection could not be established.

I spent a lot of time investigating this issue, since we also migrated from VCA to a standalone vCenter installation. After some tests I nailed the problem down to Windows XP 32bit: Using vSphere Client in a newer Windows version resulted in no plugin problems. So, it's client dependent, which means switching the Server Platform seemed not to be the reason for our problem. (phew)

After even more research I stumbled over a brandnew VMware KB Article which exactly nailed down our problem:

Unfortunately, no official solution for Windows XP is available, but a clever user found an option to lower the SSL Security of the vCenter TomCat Server. See here for a manual and explanation: http://communities.vmware.com/thread/212392?start=30&tstart=200#2126236

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VMware Communities: vCenter Service Status error
The only way I found to fix the problem was to switch the whole vCenter to the default SSL certificates. After that I had to reconnect all hosts because of the cert mismatch. Now vCenter Hardware Stat…

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